Discusses topics related to health hazards and the arts.
Frequency: Monthly
Publisher: Arts, Crafts & Theater Safety (ACTS)
Artist Beware: The Hazards in Working with All Art and Craft Materials
& the Precautions Every Artist and Craftsperson Should Take
Author/Editor: Michael McCann
Revised edition. A comprehensive overview on preventing and
correcting health hazards of art and craft materials. Analyzes
materials and the harm they can create.
Publisher: The Lyons Press
Publication Date: 2005

The Artists Complete Health & Safety Guide
Author/Editor: Monona Rossol
Revised edition. A guide to using potentially toxic materials
safely and ethically.
Publisher: Allworth Press
Publication Date: Revised 2019

The Green Guide for Artists: Nontoxic Recipes, Green Art
Ideas, & Resources for the Eco-Conscious Artist
Author: Karen Michel
Inspires artists to make better eco-conscious choices within their work
and their studios and shows them how. Includes recipes for DIY art supplies
such as ones for mixing your own non-toxic paints and adhesives and making
your own papers from recycled paper; safe and green practices for the
workspace; a fresh look at using recycled materials; and a resource guide
for eco-friendly materials and supplies, including websites and forum links.
Publisher: Quarry Books
Publication date: 2009

Health Hazards Manual for Artists
Author/Editor: Michael McCann
Revised edition. Details harmful effects caused by art materials, and
procedures that can make working with these materials safer.
Publisher: Globe Pequot Press
Publication Date: 2008

The Healthy Artist
Information on the dangerous materials in an artists’ studio and how
to minimize the dangers. There is also a FAQ listing at the back
on safety in the studio. Published in English and in French.
Publisher: CARFAC Ontario
Publication Date: 2007
Making Art Safely. Alternative Methods and Materials in
Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Graphic Design, and Photography
Author/Editor: Merle Spandorfer, Deborah Curtiss, and Jack Snyder
Identifies hazardous materials and techniques that are commonly
used in art. Demonstrates safe alternatives through text and
step-by-step illustrations.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publication Date: 1995

Overexposure: Health Hazards in Photography
Author/Editor: Susan D. Shaw and Monona Rossol
Revised edition. Covers all facets of the risks faced by photographers,
lab personnel, and others involved with photographic chemicals.
Includes pointers for setting up a safe workplace.
Publisher: Allworth Press
Publication Date: 1991

Printmaking Revolution: New Advancements in Technology,
Safety, and Sustainability
Author: Dwight Pogue
A tome of the newest advances in printmaking for today’s environmentally
conscious artists and master printers. Provides recommendations for
safer environmentally friendly and non-carcinogenic methods for creating
prints. Includes groundbreaking information on embracing green, petroleum-free,
nontoxic materials that comply with the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements.
Publisher: Watson-Guptill
Publication Date: 2012
Ventilation: A Practical Guide for Artists, Craftspeople, and
Others in the Arts
Authors: Nancy Clark, Thomas Cutter, and Jean-Ann McGrane .
Discusses art materials that contain toxic or harmful chemicals,
and the precautions artists should take pertaining to ventilation.
Pulisher: Lyons Press
Publication Date: 1987

Art and Creative Materials Institute, Inc.
Provides information on art and creative materials for children and artists
that are non-toxic. All products in the program undergo extensive
toxicological evaluation and testing before they are granted the
right to bear the ACMI certification seal.
Arts, Crafts and Theater Safety (ACTS)
A not-for-profit organization that provides information on health, safety,
and industrial hygiene to the arts, crafts, museums, and theater communities.
Also makes referrals to doctors, health services, and other resources.
Publishes the newsletter ACTS FACTS and various data sheets.