Resources for obtaining artist grants along with
funding opportunities. Includes publications that
provide advice on grant writing, applications and
proposals, budgets, presentation materials, and
other tips for obtaining artist grant and funding.
(As an Amazon Associate, the Artist Help Network earns from qualifying purchases.)
Art Opportunities Monthly
A listing of opportunities for artists, including grants. Available
via email. Published 11 times a year.
The Artist’s Guide to Grant Writing: How to Find Funds and Write
Foolproof Proposals for the Visual, Literary, and Performing Artist
Author: by Gigi Rosenberg.
A comprehensive guide that includes time-tested strategies,
anecdotes from successful grant writers, and tips from grant
officers and fundraising specialists.
Publisher: Watson-Guptill
Publication Date: 2010
Canadian Fund Raising Directory
Regularly revised. Includes a section on Arts and Culture. Also available on a CD.
Publisher: Canada Grants Service
Directory of Financial Aids for Women
Authors: Gail Schlachter and R. David Weber Reference Service
Press, updated regularly.
Identifies fellowships, grants, awards, loans, and internships,
designed primarily or exclusively for women. Updated regularly.
Publisher: Reference Service Press

Financial Aid for Research and Creative Activities Abroad 2014-2016
Author/Editor: Gail A. Schachter and R. David Weber
Regularly updated.
Publisher: Reference Service Press
Publication Date: 2014
Guide to Getting Arts Grants
Author/Editor: Ellen Liberatori
Provides artists (and arts groups) with information on facts and skills needed
for grants applications in the arts, including formulating budgets, mastering
the intricacies of the application process, online resources and application
opportunities, insights into understanding the selection and review
process, and more.
Publisher: Allworth Press
Publication Date: 2006

How to Survive and Prosper as an Artist:
Selling Yourself without Selling Your Soul, New edition
Author: Caroll Michels
See chapter “The Mysterious World of Grants and Other Fundraising
Tools.” The author is the founder of the Artist Help Network and a
career coach and artist-advocate.
Publisher: Allworth Press
Publication date: Revised 2018
The Only Grant-Writing Book You’ll Ever Need:
Top Grant Writers and Grant Givers Share Their Secrets
Author/Editor: Ellen Karsh and Arlen Sue Fox
Revised edition. Interviews experts in the grants field who provide
advice and 50 tips to improve your chances to win a grant.
Publisher: Carroll & Graf
Publication Date: revised 2019

The Profitable Artist: A Handbook for All Artists in the
Performing, Literary, and Visual Arts
Author/Editor: Artspire
Includes information on innovative fundraising for artists
Publisher: Allworth Press & the NY Foundation for the Arts
Publication Date: 2011

Shaking the Money Tree. How to Get Grants and
Donations for Film and Video
Author/Editor: Morrie Warshawski
Revised edition. Although specifically written for film and video artists,
offers succinct and excellent advice that is applicable to artists in all fields.
The author has a relaxed and human-friendly writing style.
His insights are on target and should resonate with those working
in all disciplines.
Publisher: Michael Wiese Productions
Publication Date: 2010

Available by subscription. A listing of opportunities for artists,
including grants and artist-in-residence programs. |
Sponsored by the Western States Arts Federation WESTAF. A user-friendly
online system that provides open call information on grants and other
opportunities for artists. |
Foundation Grants to Individuals Online
An online database of nearly 10,000 foundation and public charity programs
that fund students, artists, researchers, and other individual grantseekers.
Available by subscription.
Grants, Awards and Residencies
A listing for writers, literary awards, fellowships, and residencies. Sponsored by
the PEN American Center.
NYFA Source
An extensive database for visual and performing artists, writers, and arts service
organizations. Includes wide-range of grant opportunities. Sponsored by the
New York Foundation for the Arts.
National Assembly for State Arts Agencies
Provides links to each state arts agency. A good resource to research grants and
fellowships provided by an agency in your state.
Philanthropy News Digest
A free weekly news service of the Foundation Center.
Compendium of philanthropy-related articles and
features culled from print and electronic
media outlets nationwide
Professional Practices for Artists
Sponsored by GYST. Includes guidelines for requesting letters of recommendation.
WomenArts. Funding Resources, Overview.
A list of foundations and other agencies that
provide grants and funding to artists. Categorized
by arts discipline. Funding Resources, Overview.