Art Connection in the Capital Region
Works with artists and art collectors in donating artwork to
nonprofit community groups.
Art 360 Foundation
The organization has created the Art360 app, A free app designed to
make archiving and cultural preservation skills available to all artists
in all disciplines and at any career stage. “The app is simple to use
and breaks the process of archiving into manageable stages. It
offers a step-by-step guide on the effective management of physical
and digital assets, with advice on how these can be maintained
and protected, enabling artists to determine a method and pace t
hat suits them. Using checklists and videos with professional
archivists, it guides the user through essential practices and
encourages progress onto the next stage.”
Artist Legacy Project, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts,
Provides estate planning services and related
legal services to artists with HIV/AIDS free of
Artists Over Sixty Program, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
Provides legal services and education to senior artists to address
age-specific legal and business issues. The program emphasizes the
need for will drafting and estate planning services, and offers access
to other legal services, including counseling on the use of artwork
on the Internet and other digital media. The program also includes
special education courses directed to the needs of senior artists.
The Boston Foundation
Sponsors the Fay Slover Fund. Provides grants to support start-up
and existing art placement programs in communities throughout the world.
Joan Mitchell Foundation
Sponsors the program Creating a Living Legacy (CALL), an initiative designed
to provide support to older artists in the areas of studio organization,
archiving, inventory management, and through this work create a
comprehensive and usable documentation of their artworks and careers.
New York Health & Hospital Corporation
The Art Collection program sponsors an art donations program.
A nonprofit organization and program of the James Kirk Bernard
Foundation, founded to celebrate and feature the works of deceased
20th and 21st century artists, spanning the full gamut of artistic
expression. Showcases, promotes, and preserves the creative work of
20th and 21st Century artists who have died without recognition of
the full measure of their talents or creative legacies.
Senior Artists Initiative
A nonprofit organization that assists artists in the Philadelphia
area. Educates artists about the process of documenting and
inventorying their work, legal issues pertaining to their art, estates,
and artists rights.
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Artists’ Estates: Reputations in Trust
Author/Editor: edited by Magda Salvesen and Diane Cousineau
Surveys the lives of important 20th century American artists
and the management of their accumulated works. Opens a
window into problems of taxes, wills and trust, the inheritors’
role in conservation, succession and interpretation, and the
responsibility for our visual heritage.
Publisher: Rutgers University Press
Publication Date: 2005

Creating a Lasting Legacy: Estate Planning Workbook for Visual Artists.
Published by the Joan Mitchell Foundation
Crafting Your Legacy: A Guide to Putting Your Non-Artistic
Assets to Work in an Estate Plan
Author: Mark Leach
A free 22-page PDF download. Helps artists plan the ‘afterlife’ for
their tools and other studio assets. It can be used as a supplement
to other guides on estate planning, or to start thinking about the
process. Includes eight case studies of other artists’ experiences,
checklists, and resources to help studio artists think about and
plan for the fate of their tools, equipment, materials, library,
archives, and other art making assets as part of their creative legacy.
Publisher: CERF: The Artists Safety Net
Publication date: 2018
Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples
Author/Editor: Denis Clifford, Frederick Hertz & Emily Doskow
Revised. A detailed legal survey of the laws affecting gay and lesbian
couples, including estate planning.
Publisher: Nolo Press Publication Date: 2012

Legal Guide for the Visual Artist
Author/Editor: Tad Crawford
Revised edition. See chapter “The Artist’s Estate.”
Publisher: Allworth Press
Publication Date: 2010

Strategies for Serious Older Artists
Author: Eric Rudd and edited by Barbara Rudd
Covers the subject of what will happen to your artwork after
you die, including how to upgrade and adjust your studio methods,
and how to get ahead of the curve for your later years. It offers
alternatives for preserving and exhibiting your life’s work even
after you die
Publisher: Cire Corporation
Publication Date: 2013

The Visual Artists’ Guide to Estate Planning
Author/Editor: Karilynne Ming Ho
Provides an introduction to estate planning in Canada, including
all the basics; what is a living will, why artists should have a will
and how it will protect their artwork and subsequent income, as
well as what happens when you die; deciding what to do with your
art; artists’ inventory and selling off work; charitable and planned
giving; copyright; and a discussion of heirs, executors, and lawyers.
Publisher: CARFAC Ontario
Publication Date: 2007
A Visual Artist’s Guide to Estate Planning
Revised edition. Introduces general estate planning concepts and
offers practice advice and a discussion of legal issues raised by artists.
Also includes an in-depth discussion of policy and law on selected
issues of estate planning. Only available online.
Publisher: Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation
Publication Date: 2007