
Art Law Resources: Resources for artists pertaining to a wide range of legal issues and art law. Art Law Organizations: Organizations in the USA that provide artists with legal advice and services. Listed state-by-state. Art Law Organizations Abroad: Organizations abroad that provide artists with legal advice and services. Artist Contracts & Forms: Publications and Read more…


Art Law Resources

A list of art law resources pertaining to a wide range of art-related and artist-related legal issues and art law. Art law resources includes publications, blogs and websites. PUBLICATIONS ARE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER  Art Law: A Concise Guide for Artists, Curators, and Art Educators Author: Michael E. Jones  A Read more…

Art Law Organizations

A list of art law organizations that serve artists and nonprofit organizations. The list includes state offices of Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, Volunteer Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts, and other art law organizations that provide legal services to artists.      ORGANIZATIONS BY STATE California Lawyers for the Read more…

Art Law Organizations Outside the USA

A list of art law organizations in Canada and Australia. The art law organizations provide artists with legal advice and services. ORGANIZATIONS ARE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER  Arts Law Centre of Australia Provides free or low cost specialized legal advice to Australian artists and arts organizations. Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le Front Read more…

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Contracts & Forms for Artists

A list of resources for obtaining contracts and forms for artists and advice regarding how and when to use them. Contracts and forms for artists include gallery exhibition contracts, gallery consignment contracts, commission contracts, artist -agent contracts, and more. Publications are listed in alphabetical order (As an Amazon Associate, I Read more…

Copyrights, Trademarks & Patents

Resources that provide information for artists on copyright, trademark, and patents. The resources will help artists become knowledgeable and better understand copyright, trademark, and patents. ORGANIZATIONS ARE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Artists Rights Society A membership organization and the preeminent copyright, licensing, and monitoring organization for visual artists in Read more…

Estate Planning for Artists

Explore resources on artist legacy projects, estate planning, wills, trusts, gifts and bequests, and art donation programs. Includes organizations and websites that provide artists estate planning information. ORGANIZATIONS ARE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Art Connection in the Capital Region Works with artists and art collectors in donating artwork to Read more…

Licensing Art & Design

Resources for obtaining advice and information on licensing art. Includes information on the responsibilities of licensing agents and locating contracts for licensing art. ORGANIZATIONS ARE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER International Licensing Industry Merchandiser’s Association Provides a Licensing Online Directory with links to licensing agents worldwide. PUBLICATIONS ARE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL Read more…