A list of resources to help find artist housing and studio space. Resources include publications and websites that provide advice for buying or renting artist housing and studio space. |
PUBLICATIONS ARE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.) |
The 100 Best Small Art Towns in America: Where to Discover Creative Communities, Fresh Air, and Affordable Housing Author: John Villani An annotated list of communities that are particularly artist-friendly. Publisher: Countryman Press Publication Date: Revised 2012 ![]() |
The Art Studio-Loft Manual. For Ambitious Artists and Creators Author: Eric Rudd Provides practical solutions to help creative people find, secure, renovate and finance studio space. Publisher: CIRE Corporation Publication Date: 2001 ![]() |
Guide to Leasing Studio Space Author: Sue Greenberg and updated by Céline Bondard Published online. Publisher: St. Louis Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts Publication Date: Revised 2015 URL: http://vlaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Guide-to-Leasing-Studio-Space.pdf |
Homebuyer Handbook: For Artists and Independent Workers in Minnesota Published online Publisher: ArtHome and Springboard for the Arts. URL: http://springboardforthearts.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Homebuyer-Handbook-2.pdf |
The Social Life of Artistic Property Editors: Pablo Helguera, Michael Mandiberg, William Powhida, Amy Whitaker, and Caroline Woolard A probe into the relationship between artists and property with examples and cautionary tales of opportunities taken and opportunities missed, and an exploration of the relationships (real and imagined) among real estate markets, art markets, and the artists who work within and against them. Available free as pdf and html online. Also available in print. URL: https://www.publicationstudio.biz/books/the-social-life-of-artistic-property/ |
Title: “Are You an Artist Struggling to Pay for Your Studio? New York City is Enlisting Nonprofits to Help You Out” Penned by Brian Boucher. Artnet.com, February 15, 2018 URL: https://news.artnet.com/art-world/new-york-artists-studio-nonprofits-1225166 SpaceFinder Sponsored by Fractured Atlas. A program that helps artists find the rental studio space in cities and states throughout the United States and in Canada, including Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Utah, Washington, DC; Austin, TX; Baltimore, MD; the Bay Area of California; Birmingham, AL; Chicago; and Los Angeles. Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Toronto, Waterloo Region York Region, and Hamilton. https://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/spacefinder |
Title: Studio Protector: The Artists Guide to Emergencies
Sponsored by Craft Emergency Relief Fund (CERF). An abundance of
information about disaster planning, relief, clean-up, salvage an rebounding, along with safeguarding tips to help artists navigate emergencies and become better prepared to deal with or avoid them altogether. www.studioprotector.org |
Title: TEDx. “When Artists Get Together They Talk about Real Estate.” A lecture by artist Jane Richslovky about how her studio eviction by Seattle’s Department of Transportation inspired her artwork and transforming the stereotypical image of the “starving artist in the garret “ into the artist as business person who shares in the wealth they create. www.youtube.com/watch?v=81xF4ouHkRk |
ArtCondo http://artcondo.com A real estate initiative in New York City. Run by and for artists that helps creative individuals purchase raw commercial workspace and live/work space by gathering people together to form buying groups to leverage their collective buying power and cultural capital to purchase space collectively. Each building becomes a haven protecting artists and producers from future displacement. |
ArtBuilt www.arthome.org Provides affordable space opportunities, public arts programming and asset-building resources for artists, artisans and neighborhoods in New York City and beyond.. Artist Relocation Program http://www.livable.org/livability-resources/best-practices/287-paducah-artist-relocation-program Provides economic and business incentives to artists who want to relocate to Paducah, Kentucky. Artist Space Resources, Massachusetts Cultural Council https://massculturalcouncil.org/artists-art/artist-space-resources/ Provides information on various programs relating to studio space and housing.Artscape www.torontoartscape.on.ca Clusters creative people together in real estate projects in Toronto that serve the needs of the arts and cultural community and advance multiple public policy objectives, private development interests, community and neighborhood aspirations and philanthropic missions. Artspace Artspace Chashama Workspace Program EFA Studio Program, Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts Fort Point Arts Community, Inc. Green Rooms Root Division Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program SmART Space Studios
Creature Comforts
Creature Comforts
Housing & Studio Space: information on locating artist live/work space and guides to acquiring housing and studio space in disused buildings. Organizations that offer artists help in finding live/work space are also included. Studio Insurance: A Read more…