Career Development: Resources for artists that provide advice, information, and guidance on a wide range of career-related topics, including organizations and publications.
Art Marketing/Career Coaches: The names and contact information of career coaches who assist artists with creative challenges, career development, and marketing and business strategies.
Artworld Mailing Lists: Includes curators, art consultants, and various art press and critics mailing lists.
Art Marketing: Resources that provide advice and information about art marketing strategies and promotion, including social media.
Art Periodicals and blogs: Links to international, national, and regional print and digital arts publications and blogs. Resources for obtaining art world mailing lists.
Getting Organized: Resources that provide advice to artists on organizing the administrative and business aspects of their careers, including time management and record keeping. Software programs are also included.
Press and Public Relations: Art world press list contacts and resources that provide information and advice on developing press relations and organizing publicity projects.
Creative Challenges, Career Blocks & the Psyche: Resources that offer inspiration, guidance and advice on various creative and business challenges that artists face from time-to-time. Subjects range from transcending creative blocks – to changing negative attitudes about the way we handle money.
Art Schools: Resources that provide advice and information about selecting an art school, with links to art schools throughout the USA.
Artists’ Books: Resources for publishing and selling artists’ books and organizations that provide support services.
International Connections: International resources for artists, including residency programs, exhibition directories, fellowships and grants, and organizations offering support services
Prints and Printmaking: Resources for digital prints and traditional prints, including organizations, publications, and websites.
Social Practice Arts: Resources focusing on socially engaged art that strives to create social and/or political change through collaboration with individuals, communities, and institutions in the creation of participatory art.
Artworld Innerworkings: Resources that examine the innerworkings of the artworld, for better or worse, including fraud, manipulation, money laundering, forgery, swindles, hype and more.