Resources for obtaining artist exhibition
opportunities in alternative spaces, for-profit
and nonprofit galleries, museums, university
galleries, and other venues. Also includes
resources for exhibition planning and shipping
Dorsky Gallery Curatorial Programs
A nonprofit organization that presents independently-curated
exhibitions of contemporary art. Explores timely themes that
are relevant to our understanding of visual arts today.
A traveling exhibition program managed by the Mid-America Arts Alliance. |
Independent Curators International
Develops, organizes, and circulates exhibitions focusing on recent
trends and aesthetic concerns. A list of members is provided
on their website.
The Pop-Up Art Loop
Sponsored by the Chicago Loop Alliance. Establishes partnerships
between artists and property owners, and creates temporary
gallery, exhibition and interactive space at no cost to the
artist in prime Loop locations. |
W.A.G.E. (Working Artists and the Greater Economy)
Draws attention to economic inequalities that exist in the arts,
and works to resolve them. Its advocacy efforts have successfully
received commitments from many U.S. nonprofit art institutions
to pay artist exhibition fees for solo and group shows. A fee
calculator is published on the organization’s website.
Museum and Independent Curators List
Compiled by Caroll Michels. Email and snail mail addresses of museum
and independent curators nationwide. Updated annually and on an
ongoing basis. Available on Dropbox, and on a CD.
(As an Amazon Associate, the Artist Help Network earns from qualifying purchases.)
American Art Directory
Published triennially. A directory of arts organizations, art schools
, museums, periodicals, scholarships, and fellowships.
Publisher: Marquis
Publication Date: 2016
Art in America Annual Guide to Galleries, Museums, Artists
Alphabetical listing of American museums, galleries, and
alternative spaces arranged by state and city.
Frequency: Published annually in August
Publisher: Art in America |
Art Opportunities Monthly
Listings of hundreds of opportunities for artists, including
exhibitions. Available via email. |
The Artist’s and Graphic Designer’s Market
Author/Editor: Mary Burzlaff, Editor
Revised annually. Describes a selection of galleries throughout the
United States.
Publisher: North Light Books
Publication Date: 2018

Creating Exhibitions:
Collaboration in the Planning, Development, and
Design of Innovative Experiences
Authors: Polly McKenna-Cress and Janet Kamien
Guides you through every aspect of exhibit making, from concept to
completion. Structured around the key phases of the exhibition
design process and offers complete coverage of the tools and
processes required to develop successful exhibitions.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publication Date: 2013
Exhibit Labels: An Interpretive Approach
Author: Beverly Serrell
Presents guidelines on the process of exhibit label
planning, writing, design, and production. Provides guidance on the
art of label writing for diverse audiences and explores the theoretical
and interpretive considerations of placing labels within an exhibition.
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Publication Date: Revised 2015
How to Survive and Prosper as an Artist:
Selling Yourself without Selling Your Soul, New edition
Author: Caroll Michels
See chapter “Exhibition and Sales Opportunities: Using Those That Exist
and Creating Your Own.” The author is the founder of the Artist Help
Network and a career coach and artist-advocate.
Publisher: Allworth Press
Publication date: Revised 2018
Manual of Museum Exhibitions
Editors: Barry Lord and Maria Piacente
The definition of what an exhibition is has changed as exhibitions
can now be virtual; non-traditional migratory and pop-up spaces
play host to temporary displays; social media has created
opportunities for participatory engagement. The editors detail the
exhibition process, explore the exhibition development process in
detail. New chapters include information on project management,
financial planning and interactive multimedia.
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Publication Date: Revised 2014
Official Museum Directory
Regularly revised. Profiles thousands museums and institutions.
Publisher: National Register Publishing
Publication Date: 2018

On the Road Again:
Developing and Managing Traveling Exhibitions
Author/Editor: Rebecca A. Buck and Jean Allman Gilmore
Provides pointers for developing traveling exhibition, including the
development of an exhibition concept and budget, crating and
shipping, and dealing with foreign custom officials. Also includes
contracts and loan agreements.
Publisher: American Association of Museums
Publication Date: 2003

Lists photography exhibitions in New York City, and nationally and
internationally. Also includes news items and articles about
photography. Available online and in print.
URL: |
Photographer’s Market
Revised annually. Includes and describes a selection of photography
galleries throughout the United States.
Publisher: Writer’s Digest Books
Publication Date: 2018

Playing by the Rules: Alternative Thinking/Alternative Spaces
Author/Editor: Steven Rand
A series of essays by various writers that address the role of the
alternative space and need for alternative thinking to challenge
some of the art world’s practices.
Publisher: Apex Art
Publication Date: 2010

Provides links to more than 4000 art galleries, art museums, and art
centers in major cities in the USA.
A monthly list of career-related information for artists,
including exhibition opportunities.
Sponsored by the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF).
A user-friendly online system that provides open call
information on exhibitions and other opportunities for artists.
“Entry Fees for Juried Exhibitions”
Penned by Daniel Grant, Re-sculpt, International Sculpture Center.
An article about arts organizations that are no longer charging
fees to participate in juried shows.
How to Set Up a Pop-Up Art Galleries in 7 Steps
Storefront Blog.
Maryland State Arts Council Online Resource Bulletin
Lists hundreds of exhibition opportunities.
Contains a searchable directory of more than 15,000 museums
throughout the United States.
Provides links to galleries primarily in the USA. .
Provides a list of European galleries in
each European country. Includes a short description and
website. Also provides a list of galleries in the USA,
Mexico, Canada, South America, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Oceania.
The Packing, Art Handling & Crating Information Network
Dedicated to expanding the network of information and resources
available to museum and art handling communities.
An information resource for contemporary art. Provides directory
services for locating internationally focused galleries located in
North America, South America, Central America, Europe,
Eastern Europe, Middle East, Australasia, Africa, and Asia.
Setting Up a Pop-Up Gallery
Information provided by Empty Spaces.
Visual Artist Source
A good resource for locating galleries throughout the United States.
It links to the respective Web sites of all of the galleries listed,
provides snail mail, email, and contact information, and a
description of the type of work featured. The service is free of charge.