A list of art law resources pertaining to a wide range
of art-related and artist-related legal issues and art law.
Art law resources includes publications, blogs and
Art Law: A Concise Guide for Artists, Curators, and Art Educators
Author: Michael E. Jones
A survey of topical legal and ethical issues that confront museums that acquire
and display art, auction houses that sell art, libraries that exhibit art, foundations
that support artists, and artists that create art.
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Publication Date: 2016
Art Law. The Guide for Collectors, Investors, Dealers and Artists
Author/Editor: Judith Bresler and Ralph E. Lerner
Revised edition. Provides legal, business, financial, tax, and estate planning
information and guidance.
Publisher: Practicing Law Institute
Publication Date: 2013

Arts Law Conversations: A Surprisingly Readable Guide
for Arts Entrepreneurs
Written in a humorous and storytelling format. Covers the subjects of
copyright, trademark, contracts, lawyers, and courts. Features 52 short,
understandable conversations about the legal issues affecting
artists and their businesses. Has received many awards.
Author: Elizabeth T. Russell
Publisher: Ruly Press
Publication Date: 2014
The Craft Artists Legal Guide: Protect Your Work, Save On Taxes, Maximize Profits
Author/Editor: Richard Stim
Description: Covers a wide range of issues, including contracts, copyrights,
preventing infringement, getting your crafts business on the Internet, and more.
Publisher: Nolo Press
Publication Date: 2010

Ethics in the Visual Arts
Author/Editor: Elaine A. King and Gail Levin, Editors
An anthology of essays by 19 artists and artworld figures covering a broad range of
urgent topics related to the “dark side” of the arts, including preservation of Iraqi
heritage in the aftermath of the US invasion; the role of new media; art and
censorship; the impact of 9/11 on artists; authenticity and forgeries; cultural
globalization; fair use; how tax laws encourage donations of art to museums;
where people buy art, from online sources to art galleries and auction houses;
how art critics function and their differing ethical codes; and much more.
Publisher: Allworth Press
Publication Date: 2006

Everybody’s Guide to Small Claims Court
Author: by Ralph Warner
Provides information to help you bring or defend your small claims
suit without a lawyer. Includes advice on building your case,
and presenting evidence.
Publisher: Nolo
Publication Date: Revised 2016
The Law (in Plain English) for Crafts
Author/Editor: Leonard D. DuBoff
Helps crafts artists understand the law and tackle the business
and legal issues they face each day.
Publisher: Allworth Press
Publication Date: 2005

The Law (in Plain English) for Photographers
Author/Editor: Leonard D. DuBoff and Sarah J. Tugman
Drawing from examples of real cases, this book discusses everyday legal and
business issues affecting professional photography. 4th edition
Publisher: Allworth Press
Publication Date: 2020

Legal Guide for the Visual Artist
Author/Editor: Tad Crawford and M.J. Bogatin.
New edition provides updated legal information and data on new media and electronic rights.
In addition, many other aspects of art law are discussed in detail. Model contracts are also included.
Publisher: Allworth Press
Publication Date: Revised 2022

The Legal Guide for Writers, Artists and Other Creative People:
Protect Your Work and Understand the Law
Author: Kenneth P. Norwick
Publisher: Page Street Publishing
Publication date: 2017
Enables creators to understand the legal rights and safeguard
their work from a wide variety of risks in both cyberspace
and traditional media.
Legal Guide to Social Media: Rights and Risks for
Businesses and Entrepreneurs
Author: Kimberly Houser.
Offers examples of and solutions to the kinds of situations you can expect to
encounter when posting online content, whether for personal enjoyment or on
behalf of an employer. You’ll learn how to avoid liability for defamation and third-
party posts, the legalities of copying and linking to content, how to protect
your own content, and more.
Publisher: Allworth Press
Publication Date: 2013